Sunday, July 20, 2008

Man Bear Pig

What a great question on MTP today:
"[In response to three quotes, the first two recommending Al Gore for a cabinet role in an Obama White House and the third, from Al Gore himself, rebuffing those sentiments], how can you (Al Gore) given the passion that you feel about this issue and the enormity of the dimensions that we're dealing with here turn down the idea that you could be in the administration as a VP or as an energy czar or as both?"
Al Gore ably sidestepped a direct answer but it was the first time I'd really seen Brokaw get all 'Russert' on us.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Although I don't necessarily agree that we should drill everywhere, Jim Cramer makes a great point about out NIMBY attitude to drilling.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Gen. Clark's remarks

Just a note about Gen. Clark's remarks yesterday about McCain's military record. Were they a ill-timed? Sure. Naive? Yep. But patently false? I don't think so. One CNN reader (yes there is intelligent life out there reading CNN), referenced a Simpsons episode when "Tommy" (an imaginary boy) falls in a well. Everyone claims him to be a hero.

Lisa: How does that make him a hero, Dad?
Homer: Well... he fell in a well, and he couldn't get out.
Lisa: That doesn't make him a hero, Dad.
Homer: Well, what have YOU done lately?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jay-Z Glastonbury

Some fucking performer. AC/DC (c/o dangermouse) in the mix.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I Like Big Butts

Just when you think you've seen the least flattering picture of HRC...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008